Kamis, 28 Mei 2015

[ GUIDE ] Volcano Ordeal Nest

      Mungkin ini adalah satu-satunya guide VoN yang ada di luar sana. Secara keseluruhan, ini termasuk nest yang sulit. Bahkan video full run hanya menyisakan saya dan LF untuk menyelesaikan stagenya. Namun, tidak ada yang sulit jika kita mau belajar bukan?


Video Full Run VoN Abyss

   Full Guide Volcano Nest bisa anda dapatkan disini.
You can get full guide of Volcano Nest by clicking this (English version is on progress)

    Semua yang saya tulis di guide ini hanyalah perbedaan antara Volcano Nest dan Volcano Ordeal Nest. Jika tidak tertulis di guide ini, berarti pola boss stage sama persis seperti Volcano Nest. Other movement's pattern from the boss that not written in this article, it means have similiar pattern with Volcano Nest.

    Ordeal / Challenge / Trial atau entah apapun yang anda pahami akan tetap ada di nest ini. Listnya masih sama, cuma Disease ordeal memiliki damage 200-250k per hit!
    Ordeal / Challenge / Trial or whatever it said in your own DN still applied, same list of random ordeal. But disease Ordeal have about 200-250k damage per tix.



Efek damage + knockback hingga ujung map.
Knockback till the end of the map and do damage.

Lizzard summon 2 tombak dengan cahaya berwarna di ujungnya. Lima detik sejak tersummon dan tidak hancur, maka akan ada ledakan 1 map plus burn. High damage!
Lizzard summons 2 spears infront of him, the spears have light on the edges. Five seconds after summoned the pillars will explode ( whole map ). Very high damage! Destroy it as fast as possible!

Spyder cast ledakan 1 map, tidak bisa dicancel. Efek burn ke seluruh player.
Spyder cast explosion that inflict burns to all players. Can't be canceled.

Stage 1 Video



Ketika Hulk mengayunkan tangannya, pasti akan menembakkan batu lava ke arah tebasan tangannya. High damage dan burn.
Whenever Hulk swing his fist, Hulk will throw massive burning stones to small area infront of him. High damage and burn.

Hulk bisa melakukan lompatan mengarah ke salah satu player dengan tiba-tiba, diikuti combo pukulan secara beruntun. High damage!
Hulk can suddenly jump into random player, followed by strike combos. Very high damage!

Persis purple line milik Punisher BDN. Bedanya, disertai efek burn.
Similiar with BDN Punisher's purple line, but with burn effect.

Stage 2 Video



Clear buff dan summon 1 map, berulang sekitar 35 - 50 detik sekali.
Clear buff and summons on map, repeatedly every 35 - 50 seconds.

Hitung mundur 10 detik sebelum lava memenuhi 1 map. Berdiri di atas crystal akan memberikan perlindungan. Lava sangat mematikan, efek sekitar 1.2juta per hit.
There will be 10 secs countdown, after that the map will flooded with lava. Stand over the crystal will give you protection. Very high damage, about 1.2 mil per hit.

Hitung mundur 15 detik. Akan ada 1 crystal berwarna ungu di map. Hancurkan kristal tersebut sebelum hitung mundur habis atau anda akan wipe out seketika!
There will be 15 seconds countdown and one crystal on the map will have purple colour. Destroy that crystal before time out, or your party will wipe out!

 Stage 3 Video



 Kalau di VN, akan ada laser 1 detik sebelum bola api ditembakkan. Namun di VoN, tidak akan ada laser dan anda harus prediksi kapan bola ditembakkan. Strategi saya, hitung mundur 5 detik per tembakan. Kronos akan menembakkan bola apinya per 5 detik!
In VN, Kronos will shoot a laser designator first before shoot the fireball. But in VoN, he didnt! Usually, I use 5 secs countdown per shoot to predict when he will shoot. Hard? Welcome to the jungle!

Nothing special, just clear buff and summons.

Kronos mengincar 1 random member party dan menembakkan 3x bola api. Ketika bola ketiga ditembakkan, Kronos akan melakukan stomp. Perhatikan timing melompatnya!
Kronos will aim 1 random people and shoot 3 fireball in same interval. After that, he will do stomp. Watch carefully to learn how to dodge it!

Stage 4 Video



Semua stomp dari Phoenix akan berakibat clear buff apabila terkena ke player. Tornado Phoenix VoN berbeda dari VN, perbedaannya hanya terletak tornado VoN Phoenix posisinya statis dan tornado kecil akan mengejar player.
Player will get clear buff if get the damage from Phoenix's stomp. Tornado in VoN a bit difference with VN. In VoN, Phoenix immobile and summon mini tornado to chase out the player.

Mekanik Phoenix di VoN, agak sedikit berbeda.
VoN's Mechanic in Phoenix have some differences. Kinda hard to tell but easier if you just watch the video.

Simple, berdiri di area biru lantai atau hangus terbakar!
Simple, stand on the blue area or phoenix will burn your ass out!

Hati-hati apabila hit dari samping dan ekor terutama class melee. Phoenix bisa menebas anda dengan tiba-tiba!
Be careful if you hit the Phoenix from side or tail. Phoenix can swipe side and tail with fast animation!

Phoenix ketika menebas ke depan, diakhiri dengan semburan api plus efek knockback ke ujung map. High damage!
When phoenix strike the target who stand infront of it, Phoenix can do claw + peck + fire breath combo. Very high damage + burn + knockback to the edge of the map!

Final Stage Video


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