Rabu, 03 Juni 2015

Gearmaster Tips - Canceling Volcano's Mechanic by Aoi

     Di Volcano ataupun Volcano Ordeal Nest, semua mekanik bisa dicancel oleh Mecha Shock dan Mecha Siren. Agar lebih meyakinkan, saya sengaja videokan 2 run beruntun Volcano Nest dan kita lihat apa saja yang terjadi selama 2 run tersebut. Bagi saya sebagai user GM, di Volcano maupun Volcano Ordeal Nest selalu sedia 2 shortcut yaitu yang mengatakan "TD sedang cooldown" dan " Mekanik cancel ". So, lets check this out!
    In Volcano and Volcano Ordeal Nest, all mechanic can be canceled by Mecha Shock and Mecha Siren. For example, I recorded 2 runs of Volcano Nest in a row. You will see so many mechanic canceled there.

    GM memang bisa memperkirakan kapan mekanik terjadi dan summon Mechaduck untuk Shock ataupun Siren, namun GM tidak bisa 100% memprediksi gerakan musuh dengan akurat. Sehingga sesempurna apapun, besar peluang Mekanik tidak akan bisa cancel sesuai rencana.
    GM might predict when the Mechanic will occurs, but she cant predict what movement the target will do next. Even the GM try to do the best, still... the Mechanic happened and failed to cancel it. You need to push your luck to your limit!


    Mecha Siren memberi debuff silence ke musuh. Ketika musuh terkena lapisan es atau ice layer, lalu terkena Mecha Siren, selama debuff aktif dan ada ice layer maka mekanik akan cancel.
     Mecha Siren give silence debuff to target. If the enemy when Siren casted have ice layer on it, as long the ice layer and debuff still intact then the mechanic will fail or canceled.

The Video explain it better than the words...

Hey Phoenix!! You forgot your Mechanic!


    Mecha Shock memberi debuff electrocuted, dan "shock" di detik kelima. Artinya anda membutuhkan Mecha Shock level 6 atau lebih. Juga anda harus memperhitungkan Light Resist target, karena % resist positif yang tersisa justru akan mengurangi % durasi electrocuted. Electrocuted Mecha Shock sangat special, bahkan bisa cancel skill sekelas Rotating Dragon Breath Naga. Setiap boss monster ketika hendak cast mekanik / skill spesial, akan ada momen dimana dia "vulnerable" terhadap disable. Ketika moment tersebut terjadi dan Electrocuted terjadi juga, maka skill akan cancel. Contoh paling sederhana : Lizzard VN akan mengangkat tombaknya dahulu sebelum cast mekanik, Sea Dragon akan blur-kan layar dahulu sebelum cast RDB, dll. Bebek lain dari pemilik yang sama / berbeda, apabila level Mecha Shock sama / lebih tinggi maka akan overtake debuff dan memperbarui durasinya.
     Mecha Shock give electrocuted debuff and shock the target in 5 seconds duration of debuff. Higher light resist, wiill give less debuff duration. When the Boss cast their special skill or mechanic, there will be a moment well his body vulnerable to disabled. Example : Lizzard VN will raise it hands before cast the mechanic, Serpentra will blurring the screen and slow before cast RDB, etc. Other ducks from same summoner or different, if have same level on Mecha Shock or higher will overtake the debuff and refresh the duration of Electrocuted.

Some shit cant explained by words, lets take some of the videos as examples :


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